How to create a custom module in DNN 6

1. Download and install Visual Studio Starter Kit from the following link

2. Now you can open your DNN website Folder in visual studio 2010 by File -> Open Website -> select the website folder.

3. Right click your solution from solution explorer and select Add New Item -> choose - Visual c# -> DotNetNuke Dynamic Module and give Module Name. (for eg. My module Name is  NewsandEvents).

4.  Follow the Important Instruction in your visual studio. (i.e) In solution Explorer -> App_code/ModuleName Replace as Philip.NewsAndEvents and In DesktopModule Folder replace DesktopModule/ModuleName as Philip.NewsAndEvents.

5.In Web.config Add the follwing code

               <add directoryName="Philip.NewsAndEvents" />

6. If you are working in visual studio 2010, you can also include the following code

<httpRuntime useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" maxRequestLength="2097152" requestLengthDiskThreshold="8192" requestValidationMode="2.0" />

7. Build the website and set start page as Default.aspx and run the website.

8. Login into super user account and choose Host -> SQL

9. Back to visual studio In DesktopModules -> NewsandEvents -> Double Click 01.00.00 SqlDataProvider

10. Edit -> SelectAll (or) ctrl+A, Select All the SqlScript and copy (ctrl+c).

11. Back to Web-Browser Paste your SqlScript Into Script Field.

12. Select Run as script and click Execute.

13. Now you can select Host -> Extensions
14. In extensions select Manage -> Create New Module

15. In create module from -> Select Control and Module folder field -> select Philip.NewsAndEvents, it will automatically bind EditNewsAndEvents.aspx in Resource field. Then give your ModuleName.
If you select Add test Page, it will create a new page for your module.

16. In Visual studio select DesktopModules/NewsAndEvents/NewsAndEvents.ascx , delete the existing code and add your own code


17. NewsAndEvents.ascx.cs delete existing code and add Page_Load Event 


18. Build and execute the website. You have successfully create a DNN module.


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